Friday, September 2, 2011

Typical Friday post

Toby by Hamstocks
Toby, a photo by Hamstocks on Flickr.

We will be embarking soon on our first long (eight hours) car ride to Birmingham. It looks like this will be a wet weekend, but it should still be fun to see Chip and Mer and spend some time in their new town. Let's just hope we don't have to evacuate. It is a long weekend so we should have three good days to visit before the drive back.

I am finally starting to feel better. I am trying to eat a 1000mg vitamin C every hour.

I am trying out a new time out system for Toby. He is having trouble with self control, during work time at school and being quiet at nap time. The new time out is that whenever he gets in trouble, he has to sit quietly for two minutes. If he makes noise, the timer resets. I think this might help him learn self discipline, and it will teach him how to be quiet when it is requested. I think it also kind of acts as a reset button for what caused the time out. He is also getting quiet time out for making noise at bed time, again this should help with napping at school. It is kind of tough love, because he has a really hard time being quiet, but in the end I think it will solve some issues and make everybody happier.

Someone is coming by to measure the house while we are out of town, so that he can draw up plans for the space and then we can draw out the remodel plan. I wanted to get the house more together before he came, but being sick has messed up lots of plans. We were going to have a yard sale and that was going to solve some of the space issues in the storage room (soon to be bedroom). I hope he can get it done. If he can, he is a true professional.

I ended up throwing away a batch of kombucha, because I didn't get to bottle it in time (I blame the sickness).
The plan is to take photos and post a bunch during the weekend adventure.

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