Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I don't know this guy

Self Portrait by ThorAH
Self Portrait, a photo by ThorAH on Flickr.

but this photo is freaking me out.

Trying to get over a cold, mostly by ignoring it and taking lots of medicine. It needs to go away soon. We have travel plans this weekend.

We're also going to see the planet of the apes movie tonight. Can't wait.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Out to dinner

Strange day

I am kind of sick, but nothing too serious. Spent the day in bed yesterday. We have a date evening planned and I hope I can keep my energy up. I think that the days without sleep last week caught up with me.
I have been forgetting to take photos and blog. We went to toby's school parent orientation the other night, then dinner out... Sushi. I will try to take photos this evening.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Starting to begin

Stunts by Hamstocks
Stunts, a photo by Hamstocks on Flickr.

Talking to friends about hiring them to manage some home remodeling. The stress is real, but it feels like the projects may also soon be real. There is hesitation. Is this going to work out? Are we planning this project in the right order? Are we on the same page?

I spent a little time looking at radical fathering blogs, and thinking about that I should spend more time on how to be the parent that knows the right thing to do. Looking at the blogs didn't help except to make me feel like there aren't any really good fathering blogs out there. I probably should go to the archives of these and look at the first 6 months of posts, because those are probably the best. They seem to have run out of anything important to say. Like the business of being a blog has taken over.

I am having a new bout of insomnia. It has been three days since I have had a decent night's sleep. Which is too bad because I had gotten into a pretty good stretch at getting rest. Yesterday was the really sleepy day. Now it is just starting to feel normal... getting used to it. I am going to try and exhaust myself at the gym tonight and see if that does the trick.

Monday, August 22, 2011

I did some things this weekend

But not a whole lot really. Took a half day Friday, but I can't remember anything about the time I gained that was at all interesting or productive. I went to the doctor and he told me that my elbow would be fine. I went to the grocery store. That is about it.

Saturday Virginia did some canning and made a stew. I made some bread and some hummus. We spent the whole day at home. Sunday we had a nice time with some friends. A lunchtime potluck type of thing. We watched one of the craziest offensive and often really funny movies that I have ever seen called "Four  Lions." I can't figure out how that movie got funding and was actually produced. It was sort of like a Jihadist "Spies Like Us."

It is a new week and I am making a plan for the days to come. There is talk of a hurricane coming up through Florida this week. If not, we are planning a yard sale for next Saturday morning. An friend is in town and I just got an invite to hang out tonight. I have set up a meeting to talk about home renovations with a friend that we might be hiring to manage the work. Maybe it won't take too long and I can still go out, but I haven't slept well for the past two nights. We will see.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Bisy Backson

It has been a week and a week full of activity and yet no posts. I blame this on stress and frustration. Last week was not my best ever. I am starting to pull myself together. Work has taken on some new directions, and some problems that I sought to solve have yet to find resolution. This is frustrating.

On the personal side, last week we came home from a nice visit to Vero Beach, and had a good friend in town for a few days. She and her two daughters stayed over, and the kids loved having company. This last weekend was fun and mellow. We went to the mall to run some errands and the boys got to play at the swamp play area. They had not been there in quite a while. This means we haven't been to the mall in awhile and that is mostly a good thing. I got some new running shoes. Now to find time to run.

We also took the kids to see the new Winnie the Pooh movie. It was short and sweet. It was really just like the old movies that I used to watch in elementary school. More of a show than a movie.

I made kombucha and bread and put up a shelf that I have been meaning to get to. Virginia made a tasty soup from some leftover chicken from a dinner party that we hosted earlier in the week.

We are making plans for a yard sale, and a road trip to Birmingham to visit Chip and Mer at their new house.

Sent from my iPhone

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Escape Plan

Toby and his new potato by Hamstocks
Toby and his new potato, a photo by Hamstocks on Flickr.

Getting ready for a three day weekend down in Vero Beach. We have a friend and kids staying at the house while we are gone, and a few days when we get back. Too bad it looks like a big storm will be overhead during the trip. Maybe we can make a trip to the beach or a pool or something. Definitely seeing V's family, and trying to keep little hands from breaking collectables. It should be relaxed, and it always feels good to get away a bit. I am sure that there will be photo posts.

Last night made yogurt, ice cream and popsicles. Trying to find ways to preserve raw milk. Hoping the milk I used hadn't gone bad.

My boss is running around on unfiltered facebook adrenalin. We are making a plan but in this crazy fits and bursts way. I have a few things going on and feeling a bit on the stressed side.